Is Your Child Getting Dental Sealants? A Parent’s Guide to Dental Care When Your Child Has Dental Sealants

What You Should Know About Dental Sealants

The surfaces of our back molar teeth have pits and crevices that could be hard to clean even if you use brushes and flosses. Food, plaque, and bacteria can build up in these crevices and result in tooth decay.

To prevent the risk of tooth decay on these permanent back molars, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children get sealants as soon as they erupt. This typically happens between 6 to 12 years old.

Dental sealants are a thin, plastic coating that’s painted on the chewing surfaces of the teeth. They help create a barrier to protect the teeth from acid and plaque, reducing the risk of cavities.

They are simple, painless, and require no drilling or numbing. Sealants typically last for about 2 to 5 years and can be highly effective against cavities. However, they should be checked by your child’s pediatric dentist during check-ups.

You must also remember that dental sealants do not protect the flossing surfaces between the teeth. They also do not protect the surfaces next to the cheek and tongue. That’s why you should encourage your child to maintain good oral hygiene to ensure the sealant is intact.

How You Can Encourage Your Child to Take Care of Their Dental Sealants

Although sealants are plastic, they can still break and fall off if they are not properly taken care of. The longer your sealant lasts, the better it will work to prevent cavities from forming on your teeth.

Make sure to brush all the surfaces of your teeth, even those with the sealants. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brush the sides and tops just as you would a tooth without sealants. Know that even though you have sealants to protect your molars, you can still get gum disease from the buildup of tartar close to the gum line.

What Are the Foods Your Child Should Avoid When Getting Dental Sealants?

It dentist office near me may take a day or two for sealants to conform entirely to the tooth’s shape. However, once they have, the teeth with the sealants will not feel any different from others. They will not interfere with talking, cheering, and the likes.

Although they don’t require significant diet changes, there are certain types of food your child should avoid to prevent chipping, breakages, or fall off. Here are some:

- Jawbreakers
- Hard Candies
- Fruit Snacks
- Gummy Candy
- Caramel
- Toffee

Avoid these foods, so you can maintain your sealants and have them provide the best possible protection to your teeth.

When You Get Our Dental Sealants...

You can guarantee that our dental sealants will last for three years. If you notice an issue with any of them, you can return to our clinic and have us take a look. We can assess your child’s dental sealants and identify any chipping or weakening during preventive visits or dental cleanings.

Are You Looking for a Reputable Pediatric Dentist?

When you search Google for a “dentist office near me” in Virginia, you best be sure to find Greater Washington Dentistry a suitable choice. We provide quality dental care services to children, ensuring their comfort and satisfaction with every check-up or procedure. As much as possible, we strive to make oral health care a more positive experience for them to promote their overall well-being.

Contact us today to know more about our services.

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